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The WHY of My Art

I have been yearning for some reflection and clarity about my art and myself as an artist. So, I decided to join Michelle Jloyd’s United Art Hub and buy her book, Your Art Matters.

This series of blogs will journal my process of finding and refining my voice as an artist, the artist who has been hibernating for way too long.

I think it is good to understand why I am making art. But there are also many other questions, like WHAT I want to convey, WHO is the art for, WHERE this art can contribute, and HOW to show it.


The WHY of my art

Making art is magic, and creativity is vital, to me, like air.
However, once upon a time, my inner perfectionistic voice somehow spoiled the process. Although the outcome was always very good, the start and the process were just driven by anxiety, not joy. The tricky thing was that the best way to decrease that anxiety was to keep doing what I knew I was good at. In other words, that means stagnation and, of course, the death of creativity. My voice was silenced. 

I retook art to find my voice and have productive chats with all my internal and everyone’s voices.


Studio Graciela's Art
Sanatorievägen 27
SE-266 52

Open Hours

After agreement
